Group Therapy

Please email or use the Contact Healer Within button to request information about upcoming groups. 

Therapy groups Diane offers:

Social Anxiety I

A 10-week, skills-based group that focuses on how the inner critic undermines progress on social anxiety and provides tools for change. The group is 1.5 hours in duration.

Social Anxiety II

A 3-month, weekly group in which participants set active goals and focus on practicing these tools in and outside of group. The group is 1.5 hours in duration.

Mindfulness Meditation
for Anxiety

A 6-week group in which participants learn and practice the four anchors to mindfulness meditation and related tools. The group is 1.5 hours in duration.

Somatic Approaches to Body Image and Disordered Eating

Diane offers an 8-week psychoeducational group which is based on Ann Saffi Biasetti’s research and her Somatic Self-Compassion and Recovery Program called Befriending Your Body at A certified BFYB teacher, Diane, provides the BFYB program, teaching you the skills of embodiment and self-compassion for disordered eating and making greater peace with your body, food and self! This step-by-step, holistic group involves body-awareness practices, yoga-based movement, mindfulness meditation, and journaling exercises. Participants will do some reading and journaling outside of group each week.